Marine Conservation




Mannar Region Systemic Solutions (MARESSOL) Project



Background of the project

The Mannar Region Systemic Solutions (MARESSOL) project focuses on sustainable solutions in the fisheries sector, specifically targeting Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) from the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait.

The coalition that consists of  SALT Lofoten AS (SALT Sustainability), the International Union for Conservation (IUCN) Sri Lanka, the Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI) in Tamil Nadu, India, and the Lanka Environment Fund (LEF) was awarded a grant from the Norwegian Retailers Environment Fund (NREF). The fund supports efforts to reduce marine debris that washes ashore on the coastlines of the Gulf of Mannar between India and Sri Lanka.

The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, situated between Sri Lanka and India, is an internationally significant area. It is renowned for its rich biodiversity and is home to numerous marine species, including critically endangered ones such as the dugong, hawksbill turtle, and finless porpoise. Moreover, the Gulf of Mannar is recognized as one of the world’s most productive fisheries, owing to its nutrient-rich waters.

Based on 2 years of research, conducted by partner organisations IUCN and SDMRI, the project aims to engage in constructive dialogues with local authorities, producers, and users. It aims to draw insights from Fishing for Litter and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives.

Through the engagement of a range of stakeholders within fishing industries in the region,  MARESSOL will aid policy discussions with relevant government organisations, engaging the community through awareness programs, and piloting solutions that focus on upcycling/recycling fishing industry-related marine debris such as nets and buoys.

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Contact information

For further information about MARESSOL or to get involved, please contact Hafsa Jamel (Programme Manager) at