Nero Fiddled While ‘Home” Burns

“Nero fiddled while Rome burned.”

While this popular historical saying may not be historically true, the Emperor Nero was so ineffectual as a leader and disliked, that it soon became a part of popular belief. This was exacerbated when he happily built a new, magnificent palace on a large site scorched by the flames. He placed his corrupt wants before the basic needs of the people and, eventually, was called to account.

The ineffectual and unpopular political leadership of Sri Lanka is currently being called to task by the overwhelming majority of the people of this nation, in every corner of the land, which is being extensively discussed and analysed, and needs no further comment. The problem, however, is that there are “Neros” at every level in the policymaking and implementation levels in the hierarchy of governance in Sri Lanka. Self-interest has long usurped the ideals of service and loyalty to a nation, and this is never better illustrated than in the realms of environment and wildlife conservation.

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